As thoughts now move towards Christmas activities and parties, it’s a good time to tell you about some of the exciting things that we’ve been up to over the past month or so. You might have seen us at several recent events such as the Autism: A Hands On Approach Conference, the Research SEND Conference (special mention to Gareth Morewood for dragging people to a great impromptu social in the Font afterwards) and chatting to people at Kidz to Adultz North. All of these events are highly recommended and if you want to know more about them then please get in touch. Also if there’s any upcoming events which you run or you know of and you think we should attend, then please let us know.

We’ve been busy setting up new schools to use picturepath and their feedback has been fantastic to receive – not just the praise, but also the helpful suggestions for improvements. As a result of this feedback we’ve started another round of tweaks and building new features for both the teacher version and the mobile version of picturepath. Some of them have already been delivered (such as the improved teacher admin menus), some are being worked on by the team and others are scheduled for after Christmas.

If you missed it, our feature on autism-friendly events and places has been really popular. Thanks to the places mentioned, sharing footage with us helped to put together a great video all about the places we’ve covered.

By the way, please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel as we’re going to post more content and this way you’ll not miss a thing.

We hope you have a great Christmas and New Year period. I know as soon as it appears on Cbeebies we’ll be on a constant repeat of The Vegimals Save Christmas (highly recommended if you have a child who’s into Octonauts, although after the 3rd or 4th viewing of the day, it can be a little much!). Enjoy the holiday period though and we hope you all have a fun time.