Picturepath Visual Timeline App
Supporting you, or someone you care for, to thrive at home, in education and through all of life’s experiences.

Our visual timelines help those who are neurodiverse and neurotypical by:
- Providing structure and routine
- Encouraging independence
- Building confidence
- Better managing change and transitions
- Improving understanding of activities
- Allowing preparation for new and unknown situations
Reducing uncertainty, avoiding frustration and anxiety - Providing opportunities to communicate with others

Free to download
Available on the Apple and Google Play stores
Library of hundreds of activities
Huge range of pre-built activities to add to your timeline
Admin & user controls
Separate functionality for those using timelines
Create bespoke timelines
Custom timelines to fit all of your activities and adventures
Share information between home and school
Communicate timelines, notes and trends with picturepath schools
Visit with picturepath
Your favourite venues and attractions have pre-built visitor timelines

Premium Functionality
As well as all of the great free functionality we offer an optional premium package to allow you to get the very most from the app. Allowing you to create unlimited bespoke activities and routines using your own imagery and icons, share timelines between accounts and hosting multiple profiles on one account.
Enjoy premium features for just £3.99 a month or £34.99 per year
Picturepath user guides
Setting up picturepath
Sharing a timeline
Creating an activity
See More
Editing a timeline
Building a routine
Upgrade to premium features
Visit with picturepath
Adding venue images in your timeline
Loading a visit with picturepath timeline / routine
If you require any additional support when using picturepath, please visit our FAQ’s or Contact Us
Learn more about how picturepath can help your organisation to improve inclusivity and support visitors with additional needs